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Queen Games
Granada- aan de voet van de Sierra Nevada- is het begin van één van de spannendste projecten van het Spanje in de Middeleeuwen: de bouw van Alhambra. Maak op een speelse manier mee hoe dit werelderfgoed is ontstaan. Het spel biedt een makkelijke instap maar weinig regels. En u staat er middenin! De beste bouwmeesters uit Europa en de Arabische landen willen graag hun bouwkunsten tonen. Stel het beste bouwteam samen en zorg steeds voor voldoende passende valuta. Met uw hulp worden torens opgericht en tuinen aangelegd, paviljoenen en arcades gebouwd, harems en kamers ingericht. Wedijver mee voor de bouw van het ALHAMBRA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efE6f-AcaKY ..51,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
The Alhambra: Big Box (Second Edition) features all new artwork and includes all 6 expansions and the 2 Queenies amounting to 26 modules. ..150,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Big Box that includes other games in the Alhambra universe. Contains: Granada The Gardens of Alhambra Alhambra: The Card Game Alhambra: The Dice Game See individual game listings for more about each game. ..65,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Alhambra: Roll & Write is a dice version of Alhambra where players select sets of dice to try to build the most of each type of building. Players start the game by rolling a blue and yellow die three times and crossing out the building at the intersection rolled numbers. Each time a player "builds" (crosses off) a building, it is marked on the separate scoring sheet so that all players can see how many of each building have been built. Then, each player rolls the dice one more time and places their blue and yellow dice on their player sheet on the appropriate numbers. Then, the start player rolls another set of dice. They may either choose one building which has not been built already and cross it out (and indicate it on the scoring sheet), or they may ..23,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
In Amerigo, the players help Amerigo Vespucci on his journey to discover new land. The players explore the islands of South America, secure trading routes, and build settlements. The actions available to players are determined through the use of a specialized cube tower, which has appeared in the Queen titles Im Zeichen des Kreuzes and Wallenstein. At the start of the game, this tower is seeded with action cubes, which come in seven colors, with each color matching a particular type of action. During the game players will drop additional action cubes into the tower – but some of these cubes might get stuck in the floors of the tower while other cubes already in the tower are knocked free. Thus, players need to play both tactically – taking advantage of the actions currently availabl..46,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Amsterdam is a reimplementation of Macao with a new setting, improved card balance, and new gameplay elements. It challenges players to build combinations of abilities, as well as to correctly calculate the advantage of delayed gratification for actions. In the game, players are merchants in Amsterdam near the turn of the 20th century. At the start of the game, two district cards are placed on each of the twelve spaces on the designated board. At the beginning of a round, the next two district cards, as well as two building and two profession cards (each from a deck of 54 of each type) are drawn to form the offer of six cards. Each of these cards has a cost in colored action cubes and grants a new action, special ability, or way to score points. In turn order, each player..98,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
The Danish city of Copenhagen is traversed by canals and harbors, and part of it — "Nyhavn" (New Harbor) — is famous for the colorful gabled houses along the water. In the game Copenhagen, players must design new façades for these houses so that they fit seamlessly into this beautiful harbor setting. By using the cards on displays, players receive the corresponding façade polyomino tiles, with which they beautify their houses. Overbuilding certain spaces and floors gives them additional skills for the rest of the game. Floors that consist of a pure window front are particularly rewarding and bring the players many points. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR2Ccp8szqo ..43,00€ 51,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Copenhagen: Roll & Write features gameplay similar to the Copenhagen board game, but with players now finishing the facade of their building thanks to the colors shown on rolled dice, not drafted and played cards. In the game, each player has a paper scoresheet that shows a building and five colored lines of boxes. A sheet in the center of the playing area shows various polyomino tiles in those same five colors, with tiles of two and three spaces on one side of a central divider and tiles of four and five spaces on the other side. The game includes five six-sided dice that feature the above mentioned five colors on five of their sides as well as a sixth color that serves as a joker. Each player starts with two red stars on their scoresheet; you can spend one of these ..19,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Every morning in Mumbai, over five thousand workers dressed in white swarm out to deliver more than 200,000 "dabbas" (multistoried lunch boxes) to the offices of the Indian metropolis. These "Dabba Walla" have been an iconic fixture in the cityscape since 1890. The food is freshly prepared at home by families, then collected from their front doors by the Dabba Walla. Even though some of the dabbas travel very far, they are delivered punctually via a network of intermediate stations with an amazing reliability of 99.999%! Now it's time to join the Dabba Walla on their daily journey through Mumbai... The game Dabba Walla consists of two phases: • Pick-up phase: Take turns moving your Dabba Walla through Mumbai to collect dabba cards. Each time you pick up a c..50,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Together as a team you must collect a certain number of gems, reach the exit and Escape, all before the temple collapses, and the game ends. Each player explores their temple by entering chambers and gaining bonus actions and gems for the whole team. The special colored chambers require players to work together. They must occupy both chambers of the same color, in the same round to unlock two gems at once. A daunting task but worth it! Players can select from different difficulty levels and variants to tailor the game to their group. Cooperation, communication, and a bit of luck rolling the dice is needed to gain the required number of gems and reach the exit before the time runs out. https://youtu.be/JHAOAVIgLMg ..27,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Jullie zijn een team van avonturiers dat is opgesloten in een vervloekte tempel. Gezamenlijk moeten jullie de magische stenen in de kamers van de tempel activeren om de vloek op te heffen, voordat de tempel over 10 minuten instort. Dit is een coöperatief spel, met andere woorden jullie spelen samen tegen het spelbord. Elk partijtje duurt slechts 10 minuten dus jullie hebben als team telkens 10 minuten om de opdracht tot een goed einde te brengen. Het spel bevat dan ook een zandloper en een audio-cd met countdown-tracks. Lekker spannend! http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Escape+game+review&sm=3 ..38,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a real-time, cooperative game in which all players must escape from a temple after awakening an ancient curse. Players navigate through the temple by rolling dice and matching symbols to rooms, thereby gaining entry and visibility into adjacent rooms. So the temple "map" randomly unfolds as you explore further...every game is different! But as you explore, don't wander too far! All players must find the exit before the curse seals the adventurers in forever! The real-time aspect is enhanced by a soundtrack that is your timer for the game. The Big Box Kickstarter Second Edition includes: Escape: The Curse of the Temple Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Illusions (Expansion 1) Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Quest (Expansion ..94,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare