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Eagle-Gryphon Games
Includes: 150 - 18mm Wooden Locomotives (25 in each of the 6 Age of Steam Deluxe player colors) ..20,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Includes: a 2 sided game board with maps of France and Poland in the new Age of Steam: Deluxe graphic style. ..12,00€ 21,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Includes: a 2 sided game board with maps of Hungary and Finland in the new Age of Steam: Deluxe graphic style. ..12,00€ 21,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
This is a triple mapboard expansion combining previously successful expansion maps. This expansion includes: Switzerland, (optimally for 3 players and playable by 4, two-panel map); New England, written for 2 players (single panel); and Pittsburgh, written for 3 players (single panel) These maps were updated by artist Ian O'Toole ..26,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
A collection of Age of Steam Deluxe expansion maps: - France / Poland - Hungary / Finland - New England / Switzerland / Pittsburgh - Heavy Cardboard / Detroit Bankruptcy Each Expansion Volume of the set contains multiple maps on mounted game boards, plus the rules and any extra components needed to play each one. ..73,00€ 87,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Dit is de 2023 English deluxe Edition. Steam-belching iron horses roar across the wild plains! Age of Steam relives the era when pioneering U.S. railroads built the tracks that transformed America's economy. The cut-throat action is centered on the industrial powerhouses of the growing nation: Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and beyond. Challenges that await you: Can you finance both the most extensive track network and the most powerful locomotives? Which routes will give the best returns on their costs? Can you beat the opposition to the most lucrative shipments? Will you make enough money to pay your aggressive creditors? Competition is brutal, with the game usually going to the player who plans most carefully. ..115,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
American baseball was on its last legs as a spectator sport. Football had become the predominant national pastime — that is until the year 2032, the year baseball decided to revolutionize the game and regain the throne! Starting in 2032, baseball games were shortened to six innings. Pitchers were encouraged to have bionic arm implants to improve their pitching. These cyborgs, or 'Borgs as they're affectionately known, were immediately popular and soon ruled the league. In 2041, robotic players were introduced to get more offense back into the game. These robots were similar to designated hitters in that they were used only to bat and did not field. However, recent reports indicate fielding 'Bots are on the way. Now in 2045, human players are still in the ga..35,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
After a successful bank heist, you and your fellow thieves are laying low and enjoying the good life. Most of the cash has been hidden away, and the rest has been invested in businesses throughout the city. Everything is going according to plan until the police get a breakthrough in their investigation. Accusations are made, fingers are pointed, and after a heated argument, you decide to go your separate ways. Chaos ensues as the SWAT team is called in and start to close off the city’s exits. Your only choice now is to escape the city before it is completely locked down. But you need a plan — a good route that allows you to leave the city while recovering as much of the money as possible. You will need to call in some favors and hire the local gangs to create diversions. Bribing..132,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
The Escape Plan Upgrade Pack is a bundle of extras from the Escape Plan Kickstarter campaign. Contents: 9 Metal Locker Keys Player Power Expansion featuring 10 Player Power Cards 20 Notoriety Stars Player Missions Expansion featuring 6 Mission Cards, 5 Mission Cubes, and 5 Mission Tokens 1 ‘Gas Can’ Contact Card 1 Lt. Costa Meeple 1 Inspector Sandra Meeple 3 Fixer Tiles 1 Contact Card Display Board 45 Acrylic Player Cubes ..22,00€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
In the northwest corner of Nunavut, Canada, a formerly inaccessible bay off of the Arctic Ocean has become reachable through a secret inlet. Untouched by the hands of time and fed by both the ocean and warm fresh water springs, Ridback Bay is teeming with sea life. A remote, timeless bayside village is now being inundated by entrepreneurs awaiting the influx of the world's greatest fisherman to harvest this plentiful bounty. The docks and warehouses are being revitalized, and now it is time to begin the real adventure. Go build your Fleet and become master of the high seas! Fleet is an exciting, strategic card game with in-depth decisions and thrilling game play that new and experienced gamers can enjoy! In Fleet, you'll acquire licenses, launch boats, and fish the great briny blue...26,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
In the northwest corner of Nunavut, Canada, a formerly inaccessible bay off of the Arctic Ocean has become reachable through a secret inlet. Untouched by the hands of time and fed by both the ocean and warm fresh water springs, Ridback Bay is teeming with sea life. A remote, timeless bayside village is now being inundated by entrepreneurs awaiting the influx of the world's greatest fisherman to harvest this plentiful bounty. The docks and warehouses are being revitalized, and now it is time to begin the real adventure. Go build your Fleet and become master of the high seas! Fleet is an exciting, strategic card game with in-depth decisions and thrilling game play that new and experienced gamers can enjoy! In Fleet, you'll acquire licenses, launch boats, and fish the great briny blue...22,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare
Includes 8 House Boat cards, 12 Charter Boat cards, 8 First Mate cards, 6 Trophy cards, 4 Salmon Boat base licenses and 16 Boat cards (Rules included in Fleet: Arctic Bounty base game). ..13,50€VerlanglijstWishlistProduct vergelijkCompare