Grey Fox Games

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  • Arcana Rising
    Arcana Rising invites up to six spellcasters to participate in a competition to acquire arcane artifacts and cast mighty spells in an effort to gain knowledge and power. As they gather their mystical relics, they note the passing of the moons which amplify the power of certain schools of magic allowing wizards to cast spells at the peak of their power!   Arcana Rising is a drafting and engine-building game in which players compete over three rounds to craft a magical engine that will power their collected artifacts and generate points for them at the end of the game.   On a turn, players select a single card from the pile they are passed. Once a card has been selected, players pass the remaining cards clockwise, then choose whether to add the newly acquired car..
    28,80€ 42,50€
  • Bazaars of Ubar
    The Bazaars of Ubar is a fantastical engine-building game that takes players to the mythical marketplaces of Ubar - the Atlantis of the Sands! Draft trade tiles from a common area, paying for them with time, in a marketplace where the costs shift like the sands from game to game. Make clever use of tradewinds to activate your drafted tiles again and again. Manage the space on your ship to carry only the most precious cargo as you make your way to floating bazaars to sell your goods. Watch for fluctuating values in the markets to make sure your goods bring in the most gold and ensure your victory as the shrewdest trader in The Bazaars of Ubar!   During setup, Trade tiles are laid out in a grid in the center of the table. On a player's turn, they take a trade tile from the ce..
  • Champions of Midgard
        Champions of Midgard (formerly Defenders of Nidaros) is a middleweight, Viking-themed, worker placement game with dice rolling in which players are leaders of Viking clans who have traveled to an embattled Viking harbor town to help defend it against the threat of trolls, draugr, and other mythological Norse beasts. By defeating these epic creatures, players gain glory and the favor of the gods. When the game ends, the player who has earned the most glory earns the title of Jarl and is recognized as a champion of Midgard!   Placing workers allows for the collection of resources and warriors, which players may then send on journeys to neighboring villages or across the sea to defeat monsters and gain the glory they need for victory. Resources are used t..
  • Champions of Midgard: The Dark Mountains
    The Dark Mountains is the first expansion for Champions of Midgard. This expansion extends your adventures to distant lands, allowing you to trek into the dark mountains, where the Bergrisar live and wage constant battle with the Archer Clans of the North. Fight fearsome mountain giants and liberate archers who join your cause. Once freed, you will find the archers to be worthy allies, rarely missing and being exceptional hunters. Enemies you face will fall easily before their sure shots. Champions of Midgard: The Dark Mountains adds a ton of new content to the base game, including the ability to play with up to 5 players. The Expansion includes new land journeys, a new Enemy type (Bergrisar), more powerful Trolls and Draugr, as well as additional Rune Cards, Market Tiles, a..
  • Champions of Midgard: Valhalla
    Valhalla is the second expansion for Champions of Midgard. In Valhalla, you will find yourself rewarded when your warriors die in battle. Your warriors’ eternal glory becomes your earthly reward as the Valkyries bestow powerful effects, relics, and warriors upon you for use in your battles in Midgard. Some of your fallen soldier may do more, rising to face the greatest enemies even in the afterlife, defeating epic monsters and bringing you glory from beyond the grave! Couple these new rewards with fierce new warriors in the form of Berzerkers and Shieldwarriors, and new custom dice and powers for your leaders, and your adventures in Midgard will never be the same! Champions of Midgard: Valhalla includes the following: Berzerker Dice Shield..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - Brazil
    10 Means and 10 Clue Cards related to Brazil. ..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - Greece
    Extra cards related to Greece. ..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - Korea
    Five promo cards, including three means cards and two clue cards.   Means Cards: Angry Lion Dolhareubang Ignition Coal   Clue Cards: Damaged Investigator Card Italian Towel ..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - Korea II
    A new promo pack with eight new Korean Themed clue cards and eight new means cards.   Gat Kimchi Dalgona Empty Soju Bottle Popcorn Makgeolli Janggu Hahoetal   Agrochemical Puffer Fish Live Octopus Broken Ashtray Homi Ttukbaegi Binyeo Tteok ..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - North America
    Deception/CS-Files Theme Pack: North America is a collection of twenty new objects for use with Deception or CS-Files, specifically these objects:   Maple Leaf Hockey Stick Hockey Puck Zamboni Curling Stone Mountie Hat Baseball Cheeseburger American Flag SUV Race Horse Mouse Ear Hat Blue Jeans Sombrero Tequila Cactus Poncho Iguana Luchador Mask Olmec Mask ..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - Southern Europe
    Deception/CS-Files Theme Pack: Southern Europe is a collection of twenty new objects for use with Deception or CS-Files, specifically these objects:   Olive Oil Gondola Carnival Mask Volcanic Magma Michelangelo's Brush Da Vinci's Sketchbook Roman Bath Soccer Ball Flamenco Skirt Castanets Matador Sword Salvador Dali Painting Saffron Flower Marble Brick Discus Javelin Spartan Sword Socrates' The Republic (Plato's The Republic) Sea Sponge Feta Cheese ..
  • Deception: Theme Pack - Thailand
    A new promo pack with four new clue cards and four new means cards.   Boba Tea Buddhist Amulet Hand held bidet Inhalant   Durian Motor tricycle Submarine Water Monitor ..