Arcane Wonders

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  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall
    The heyday of the Star Union has come to an end. Setting off massive gravity bombs designed to create spatial rifts to new worlds led to the Collapse, and many planets were cut off from the rest of the Empire.   The surviving factions began gradually rebuilding civilization and rediscovering lost technology. Being once part of a single state, they will have to meet again and find out who is worthy of succeeding the great power.   In Age of Wonders: Planetfall, you are the Commander of one of the six surviving groups that have set out to explore the once-abandoned parts of the Star Union. Your expedition will explore seven planets in search of valuable resources and technology, battle hostile units, and seize landmarks. Will you be able to create a new world fro..
  • Air, Land and Sea (Revised Edition)
    In Air, Land, & Sea, two players participate in a series of Battles, with the objective to control two of the three Theaters of war after both players have played all of their Battle cards, or convince your opponent to withdraw!   As Supreme Commander of your country's military forces, you must carefully deploy your forces across three possible theaters of war: Air, Land, and Sea. The order you play your Battle cards is critical, and so is how you play them. All cards can either be played face-up or face-down. Playing a card face-up triggers its Tactical Ability, but the card must be played in its corresponding theater. Face-down cards are wild and can be played to any theater, but only have a strength of 2 and do not grant Tactical Abilities.   At the star..
  • Air, Land and Sea: Critters at War
    In Air, Land & Sea: Critters at War, two players vie for control over each theater of war by playing cards and strategically utilizing their special abilities to win battles. Whoever gains the most victory points over several battles wins the war!   Gameplay is the same in this standalone game as in Air, Land & Sea, but with 100% critters and more vibrant colors. ..
  • Air, Land and Sea: Spies, Lies and Supplies
    Standalone -- Just play with the 3 new theaters provided: Intelligence, Diplomacy, Economics   Mix w/ Base Game -- Play with any combination of 3 theaters from either box: ex. Intelligence, Air, Land   Epic Mode -- Play with any combination of 5 theaters from either box: ex. Intelligence, Diplomacy, Economics, Land, Sea   ..
  • Critters At War: Flies, Lies and Supplies
    Critters At War: Flies, Lies & Supplies is a standalone game in which you play in three theaters: Intelligence, Diplomacy, and Economics. Alternatively, you can mix this game with Critters At War and use any three theaters for a regular game or any five theaters for "epic mode".   Gameplay is the same in this standalone game as in Air, Land & Sea: Spies, Lies & Supplies, but with 100% critters and more vibrant colors. ..
  • Dice Manor
    World-renowned property developers Mundane Manors Inc. are tired of making the same old boring "dream" homes! The corporate suits are looking to rebrand, and they've challenged you, their designers, to dream BIG and create the most lavish homes ever imagined.   The player who is able to build - and market - the most magnificent manor will be victorious!   Over four rounds, players will use their dice to bid for blueprints, earn advertising space, collect Inspiration tokens and give early tours of their manor. All leading up to the final round where it's time for the Grand Opening of their completed manors - in the hopes of earning the most praise from the community. The player who gets the most prestige (Victory Points) is the winner!   https://you..
  • Foundations of Metropolis
    In Foundations of Metropolis, players will compete over three rounds to be the greatest architect in the city by purchasing deeds to empty lots and constructing new buildings on them.   More complex buildings require more lots, but will bring you even greater prestige. The player with the most prestige will be appointed Grand Architect!   Gameplay is the same in this standalone game as in Foundations of Rome, but with polyomino pieces and a brand new theme.   ..
  • Foundations of Rome (Kickstarter Maximus versie)
    Dit is de kickstarter Maximus versie en bevat: Foundations of Rome,Foundations of Rome: Monuments Expansion,Foundations of Rome: 5th Player Expansion,Metal Coins,Objectives,Player Roles,Trading & Stealing,Invocations,Will of the Consul,Roads of Fortune.   The city-building board game Foundations of Rome puts you into the role of an architect competing to own land and build magnificent structures! Build domūs and insulae, fountains, foundries, and more to increase your renown - gaining glory for yourself and the empire! With 96 wonderfully detailed miniatures in the base game, Foundations of Rome is a testament to the glory of Rome that you can bring to the table.   Foundations of Rome is the next, and biggest game to date, in the Dice Tower Essentials line ..
  • Four Gardens
    Long ago, in a beautiful Eastern kingdom, a queen and her people pleased their Gods by building a mystical pagoda. The pagoda housed the four Gods and towered strong over the magnificent kingdom. As time passed, the queen fell ill, and she summoned her people to compete for her crown. The crown would be passed on to the person who could build the most pristine garden around the pagoda. The heir would be chosen by the four Gods themselves.   The goal of Four Gardens is to accumulate the most points on the score board by completing landscape cards and finishing sets. Each finished set creates a panoramic view of a garden, and these sets are called (no surprise) "panoramas".   Players can finish panoramas by first laying groundwork cards, acquiring resources by tu..
  • Freedom Five: A Sentinel Comics Board Game
    Freedom Five: A Sentinel Comics Board Game is a co-operative strategy game in which 1- 5 heroes race to protect their home city and its inhabitants from an onslaught of villainy from Baron Blade and his criminal cohorts. Each player must master their character's unique abilities to manage multiple crises throughout the city of Megalopolis. Assemble your friends to face standalone challenges, or mix it up and adventure through a series of campaign comics in which you will gain rewards ⁠— and new threats ⁠— each session.   Immerse yourself in the world of Sentinel Comics and test your wits against a dastardly smart "A.I." in the newest evolution of the Defenders of the Realm series by Richard Launius. ..
  • Goodcritters
    It's the most anticipated moment of any heist: time to split the loot. Of course, everybody trusts the boss to divide everything evenly, right? But will the boss be even-handed and make sure that every "made critter" gets a piece? Maybe the boss will pay off only some of them and keep the rest of it...   GoodCritters is a game for 4-8 criminal critters who are pulling off heists and fighting over the loot! Whoever is chosen as the boss can distribute the loot from the heist however they desire, but it's the crew that has the final say. If the crew doesn't like the split, they might just tell the boss to take a hike and put some other critter in charge! In the end, the critter that collects the most valuable stash of loot wins!
  • ito
    ito is a cooperative game where you and your friends will each get your own secret number you then have to try to put in order as a group based on the clues you give related to the chosen theme.   At the start of the game, each player gets a secret number card that can have a value between 1 and 100. Remember, it’s a SECRET, so of course the other players can’t tell you directly what number they have, and neither can you!   The trick is for everyone to understand their intentions just by hearing theme-based clues. Do you and your friends see eye to eye in how you view the world? Have fun finding out in this exciting party game! ..