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  • Tranquility (NL)
    Spring aan boord van het schip Tranquility en zet koers naar het paradijs! Maar pas op: in een wereld waar de dag makkelijk over gaat in de nacht verlies je het besef van tijd. Tijd die je hard nodig hebt om dat ene prachtige kleine eilandje te vinden om te kunnen wonen.   Op het schip Tranquility proberen jullie samen het enige bewoonbare eiland te vinden. De zee moet volledig gevuld worden met 36 eilandkaarten die vanaf de start tot de finish in de juiste volgorde moeten oplopen. Als het jullie lukt om voor het einde van het spel het bewoonbare eiland te vinden, winnen jullie het spel! Heb je het eiland nog niet gevonden voordat één van jullie geen kaarten meer tot zijn beschikking heeft, dan zijn jullie voor eeuwig gedoemd om op zee te blijven. Om het spel nog wat moeili..
  • Trekking the National Parks: Second Edition (schade)
    Imagine yourself staring down a giant grizzly in Katmai National Park. Take a canoe ride alongside alligators in the swampy waters of the Everglades. Trek the trails that define our nation's most valuable public resource — the National Parks!   Trekking the National Parks is an award-winning family board game that celebrates the U.S. national parks in a fun and competitive way. Players compete for points by claiming park cards and collecting trail stones as they travel across the map experiencing the wonders at each of these magnificent landscapes.   The second edition of Trekking the National Parks features a more accessible rulebook, simplified movement rules to create a more streamlined play experience, new Major Park locations and wooden campsites that awar..
  • Trekking Through History (EN)
    In Trekking through History, you go on a 3-day tour of human history, traveling thousands of years in a time machine to experience great moments from our past.   The game takes place over three rounds, each representing one day of your trip. Each day, you’ll visit a series of historical events, spending a different number of hours at each.   On each turn, you'll choose to visit one historical event, and spend a certain number of hours doing it. Doing so will yield benefits, like checking off items on your itinerary for points, and earning Time Crystals so you can bend the space-time continuum on future turns.   Along the way, you’ll also score points for visiting historical events in chronological order.   The player with the most poin..
  • Trepanation
    In the early 19th century, the western world trembled with fear and excitement around new medical advances. The medical horror Frankenstein was a bestselling novel, and medical shows in which physicians would electrify corpses, pull teeth, or peddle their "miracle cures" drew huge crowds.   In Trepanation, players take the role of fraudulent doctors in this era who are performing medical shows for the gullible public and vying to become the most famous medical performer.   The game takes place over six days (rounds). At the start of each day, players prepare their schedules by booking time slots at locations around town, then the day's events happen according to these schedules. Players will gather medicine and equipment, employ accomplices, bribe the police, a..
  • Triggs
    Kruis als eerste alle getallen aan!   Triggs is een uitdagende race. Probeer zo snel mogelijk alle getallen op je scoreblad aan te kruisen. De speler die als eerste alle getallen op zijn scoreblad aankruist, wint het spel!   Inhoud van het spel 108 kaarten (genummer van 1 tot en met 12) 1 scoreblok   https://youtu.be/1WNs4DdY8lY ..
  • Trivial Pursuit Harry Potter - Volume 2
    Kom nog meer te weten over de magische wereld van Harry Potter met deze set nieuwe kaarten!   Om een stukje te winnen, moet je twee vragen uit dezelfde categorie correct beantwoorden.   Inhoud: • 100 vraag-antwoordkaarten voor in totaal 600 vragen • 1 dobbelsteen • doos • regels van het spel   ..
  • Trolls and Princesses
    Trolls are not big and stupid, as many would have you believe. Not long ago they lived among us and they used their cunning magic to look like us humans. They lived with their cattle in the mountains. Their caves were beautiful and luxurious with a lot of silver, gold, gems, and a table full of delicious food. In Sweden, there is an expression for this “Rich as a troll”. Trolls were not evil if you didn’t treat them badly, they could even be helpful to those who treated them well. But they often played tricks on humans. Their magic power (trollkraft) could distort the vision of humans so the troll looked like a human, an animal, a log, and a stone and even become invisible. But they also had some weaknesses. They couldn’t stand the sounds of church bells or steel, not to mention..
  • Troyes
    Troyes is een strategisch spel waarbij de spelers in de rol kruipen van een rijke familie in de Champagnestreek in Frankrijk. Ze gebruiken hun invloed om burgers op belangrijke functies te krijgen in drie verschillende vakgebieden: militie (in het spel gesymboliseerd door de kleur rood), religie (wit) en burgerij (geel). Elk van de standen heeft unieke eigenschappen waarmee men zijn voordeel kan doen. De militie beschermt je beter tegen vijandige aanvallen, de kerk richt zich op het voltooien van de kathedraal en op het scholen van de boeren en soldaten. Door het harde werken van de boeren en handwerkers wordt je geldkist daarentegen sneller gevuld. De bevolking van de stad levert arbeidskrachten die in het spel worden voorgesteld door dobbelstenen. Je gebruikt deze dobbelstenen ..
  • Troyes Dice
    Troyes Dice invites you to discover (or rediscover) the history of the city of Troyes during the Middle Ages when society was organized around three orders: the nobles, civilians, and religion. The responsibility of the first order is to protect the land and ensure justice; the responsibility of middle order is the hard work of providing food and goods essential to the life of the entire city; and for the last, the mission is to ensure the awakening of spiritual and cultural development!   Troyes Dice is a roll-and-write strategy game in which you play a rich Champagne family. It's up to you to seize the best opportunities offered by the dice to leave your mark in the history of the city! Will you get the most fame by fighting events, developing markets, erecting the cathed..
  • Truffle Shuffle
    In the quick-playing, card-drafting game Truffle Shuffle, players take turns selecting truffles from a shared box of overlapping cards in order to make their own arrangements of chocolates to sell. Players can complete a variety of sets, using special modifiers and action cards. With so many different chocolate truffles to unwrap and different ways to combine them, every game of Truffle Shuffle is unique!   https://youtu.be/QCPiUkFnX20 ..
  • Tucana Builders (EN)
    Tucana Builders is a sequel to the award winning Trails of Tucana.   Place tiles on spaces that match the revealed terrain card to connect animals to corresponding huts.   All connections that score in round 1 will score again in round 2. So, do you go for high scores in round 1, or will you try to create smart intersections for long-term benefits?   Tucana Builders is an easy-to-teach game for those who enjoy challenging tile-laying puzzles. ..
  • Twilight Inscription
    The Lazax Empire has burned to ash, rejected by its subjects. The aftermath was tragedy and petty conflict in equal measure, a time of loss and exhaustion. In the ensuing Dark Years, the factions of the galaxy retreated and recovered their strength. Now, they look upon the stars and see an opportunity—a chance to reclaim what was lost. A chance to redefine galactic civilization. A chance to leave their mark upon the stars.   Twilight Inscription, an epic roll-and-write game for one to eight players, offers an experience unlike anything Fantasy Flight Games has done before. With a limited pool of resources at your disposal, you’ll need to carefully manage Navigation, Expansion, Industry, and Warfare as you amass victory points and earn your right to the throne on Mecatol Rex..